Goncharov Electric JET,s.r.o.

Goncharov electric JET is part of AEPS Group, a manufacturer of power supplies for harsh environment since 1991. Its products are worldwide known by the low profile design, great temperature range and thermal controlling system.
In 2011, as AEPS Group celebrates 20 years in the market, we invite you to get to know our new revolutionary Goncharov JET technology, featuring DC/DC modules with higher typical efficiency and built in needle shaped aluminum radiator for AC/DC units.
Our vast experience in the market allows us to provide partners and clients with the best of breed in power supply technology! Find now the solution for your project!

Goncharov Electric JET,s.r.o. Adresa : http://www.goncharov-jet.com
Kategorie: Obchody a služby
Klíčová slova: AC/DC Power supply, DC/DC converters, UPS, Filtration, Vyroba a prodej impulznic
Uloženo: 14.06.2011
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